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Consistent profit signal | 3300% gain within 5 month | 100% monthly average

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  • Why are you missing them is very important to know
    Contact support and figure out why

    Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk


    • It's my own fault )


      • Oh, then I suggest to check their identification number and state them here and wait for fx success to tell you whether you should open them again manually or not

        Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk


        • Thanks, its the only eurgbp long that our open #2960182 & 2960155.
          I hope you check the forum soon)


          • Both were closed an hour ago
            Attached Files


            • Is this OK that all trades EURX sell? Risky.


              • the lasts EURCAD trades seem quite random


                • Originally posted by Pianetti View Post
                  the lasts EURCAD trades seem quite random
                  ya they caused some damage, hopefully this will be recovered soon


                  • Originally posted by Okda View Post
                    ya they caused some damage, hopefully this will be recovered soon

                    Hopefully has a fasecious conetation tied to it when it comes to forex. Don't take it the wrong way, I'm a sub as well and I'm glad Fxsuccess decides not to participate in forum and instead concentrates on trading. However, here's some food for thought... We're almost half way through the month, shouldnt the signal be up 50-100% at this point compared to past results? Lol


                    • We're still no where near Max historic draw down. This is a high risk signal. Anyone who who finds the current draw down unacceptable/too high has subscribed to the wrong signal


                      • I am not talking about the drawdown, i was talking about the actual loses

                        And yes I hoped my account would be up by around 70% by now, hehehehhee

                        And as a follower not a provider, hopes are all I can do

                        Seriously though, I myself appreciate the discussion with the trader if he agrees to participate. My goal is to learn and understand NOT to give advice to the trader or suggest any changes in his strategy

                        Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
                        Last edited by Okda; 09-13-2015, 06:53 PM.


                        • The DD is not problem , I only wander what is the faith of those EUR trades going into big news . Although there is still time and DD is acceptable there is a lot of uncertainty with this basket . I guess like fx success said , time will show . I'm staying positive just hope that worst case scenario will leave us funds for recovery ))


                          • Hi everybody,

                            just to add somerhing to the general discussion,

                            I unsubscribed, the reason,

                            2 elements you should be aware off in Fx,

                            1. Moneymanagement , manage the risk

                            2. Never let a trade in profit, turn sour, use a stp trail, if trend change you can always re-enter the trade.

                            Just to make you wonder.

                            Hapy Trades



                            • Hi all friends and subscriber...
                              I just want to say,, if I face any loss then I also know how to recover. If you don't have patience then how you will be success in trading. I closed some trade with loss and it normal issue but some people start crying. :P I know I will recover it soon.
                              # Some of you talking about money management? Money management is fully perfect according to my account balance and strategy.
                              # Some of you talking about DD? Draw down is controversial issue and currently its not more than 15% according to my account balance.
                              # Some people start talking against my signal,, and I verify it with simple trader but I just wonder ( They are not my subscriber).

                              Some serious note my subscriber should always know.
                              # Please keep patience, I may loss sometime but I can recover it. I have that record. If you face loss and if I unable to recover it then I will offer you free signal. Just keep faith on me.
                              # I am not a trader like 2% per month...that you should understand by observing my trading portfolio. People subscribe signal by checking good profit but they should also understand the risk level.
                              # I don't have any record to face MARGIN call... I monitor my trade and I have confidence on my trade.
                              # If you unsubscribe my signal in current situation then you have to regret for it. How you measure my total trading record just getting few loss? Is it logical?
                              # Loss is a part of GAME so never feel worry if you face some loss. Just think positive ..something may happen in near future.

                              I will not be active here. As its unnecessary ( many people seems big market analyst but why they should follow any signal? ) LOL

                              Rather I should only focus on trading. I will login here after 2 or 3 days then give you a feedback.

                              You can be connected in my skype: raj.saha6

                              Thanks for your nice cooperation. Pray for me


                              • Nice said!!

