IMPORTANT: ForexSignals is merging with HowToTrade on the 29th July 2024
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You will find the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.
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Do you have a question, idea or suggestion? Feel free to contact us.
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Top Questions
What is all about?
It's simple really. Here at, we want to help you reach whatever trading goals you have. With almost 50 members of staff all around the world (and most of us traders ourselves), we really really know our stuff when it comes to trading. It's in our blood! On top of that, our experienced trading coaches have over 80 years experience combined.

But what we are really about is the Trading Room, where you can speak to the community, our trading coaches, ask them questions, show them your trades, discuss strategies; you name it! Here's to never having to trade alone again!
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Do I need any prior experience before joining Forex Signals?
Of course not! If you've never placed a trade before, don't worry, we're here to help you! Our courses, our live streams, our mentorship is suitable for new traders and even the most experienced. There is something for everyone with
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Do you provide trading signals?
Yes, we offer member trading signals but please understand, we are much more than just a signal provider. We truly believe that if you want to make it as a trader, you cannot rely on just trade signals from a random person. This just doesn't work in the long run. At we want to teach you the skills to find your own trade setups, develop your own strategy and manage your own risk.
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How long does it take to learn how to trade professionally?
We're all different. It all comes down to how dedicated, how engaged you are with our Trading Room and how much passion you really have for trading. Everyone is different and it depends on how much time and effort you put in! We'll be by your side to help you get your trading right as soon as possible!
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What markets are traded?
Inside the Trading Room we look at all markets. Yes we are experienced in the Forex Market but we look at Options, Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies and more. We use robust strategies that can be applied to all markets and as long as we are comfortable with the risk to reward ratio, then we will discuss it with you in detail.
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What's covered in the daily live streams?
You're going to love our daily live streams. Never again will you have to guess what to trade. Join us several times throughout the day and we will trade live with you, discuss the markets and answer any questions you may have in the Trading Room live chat. We'll look at technical and fundamental analysis and you can watch the trading coaches trade use their strategies.
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What do you cover in the Trading Academy?
Oh, we cover a lot. We have hundreds of hours of pure gold video content. We always recommend when you join that you spend time inside the Trading Academy. Familiarise yourself with our trading coaches, their strategies and watch their modules. The modules cover everything from trading strategies with entry and exit rules, psychological techniques to help you control your trader emotions and there are also proprietary tools that you can download. Awesome, we know!
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I'm new to all of this. Can I ask the trading coach any question?
Of course! That is what we are here for! We understand that we will have traders of all levels inside the Trading Room and our trading coaches are there to help you figure it out. No question is a stupid one and we encourage you to enagage with the community in the live chat and to reach out to our trading coaches.
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I want to learn forex. How do I get started?
You're in the right place! We pride ourselves on being the best interactive Trading Room on the planet. You are in good hands! We do focus on the forex market inside the Trading Room, but we do discuss all financial markets. Why don't you start your 7 day free trial with us and take a look round. You're going to see what we have to offer and I'm sure you're going to love it!
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Top Questions
Do I have to commit after my 7 day trial?
Nope. If you think we are not right for you, then you can simply cancel during your free trial and you will not be charged. Our free trial is a no-obligation, risk-free trial. We want you to have a look round the Trading Room and check we are for you. Thousands of traders have already joined us, so we're sure you're going to be happy here.
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Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yes. If you feel during your membership that you no longer wish to continue with your membership and membership fees, you can cancel.
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What does it cost?
There is a lot on offer at, for a small membership fee. We offer monthly plans at $97 per month, we have a 6 month plan, that's $267 billed every 6 months and we have a yearly plan. The yearly plan is the best value for money and ensures you get access to all the features; this is $567 per year. This yearly plan, the 'Professional Plan' gives you priority direct access to the trading coaches.
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How can I trust you?
You can. We know the industry and we know what goes on out there, but rest assured you are in good hands with us. We've been around since 2012 and you can learn more about us on our About Us page here. Check out our thousands of reviews on TrustPilot and also on Forex Peace Army. You can also watch our customer testimonial videos on our homepage - hear from real customers about what they really think about us. Visit our YouTube Channel and you'll see we have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And of course, behind our business is real humans. Chat to us on the live chat, speak to us in the Trading Room Live Chat.
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Trading Room
Top Questions
What's inside the trading room?
There's so much going on, you're going to love it. We offer daily Live streams with our trading coaches that cover all time zones, a Pro Trading Academy where you can watch hours of educational content, exclusive trading tools developed by our experienced trading coaches, and much much more. Every week we release a Weekly Outlook Report in which our trading coaches discuss hot currency pairs and what's going on in the markets. And that's just a few things that you can find inside of the Trading Room. Why not sign up for a free trial now and explore the Trading Room yourself?
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How can I access the trading room?
It's simple. Simply click 'sign in' from the homepage and you will be prompted to log in with your credentials. You will then land inside the Trading Room dashboard. We also have an app which you can download for free. You can download the app for Apple devices here and for Android devices here.
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How many people are in the trading room?
Every day the number of traders inside the room varies. It can be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand. One thing is for sure though, the trade room chat is never boring!
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How often are the daily live streams?
We stream live every day, up to 6 times a day. We cover all times zones and we look at all the markets out there; Forex, Futures, Options, Commodities, Stocks, Energies, Cryptocurrencies and more.
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What happens in the live chat inside the trading room?
Great question. We have traders of all levels, from all around the world, so we're never stuck for conversation! Chat normally consists of trade ideas, the markets, politics and the impact on the markets and most commonly, the community asking for feedback on their trade ideas. There's nothing else out there like it, you're never going to trade alone again (trust us, we know how lonely trading can be at times!).
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Can I share my trade idea for feedback?
Yes, that's exactly what we want you to do. Give it a go and watch how quickly the community jumps on to discuss and analyse your trades!
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How do I speak to one of the trading coaches?
Chat with our trading coaches 24/7 in the Live Chat inside the Trading Room. Also, you can message the trading coaches via the Direct Messenger. If you are a 'Professional' member (the yearly plan) then you have priority access to the trading coaches on the Direct Messenger.
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Top Questions
How many people are in the Trading Room community?
We have over 100,000 people in our community and counting! Want to join them? Start your free trial now and come and meet the amazing community everyone in the trading world is talking about.
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What level of traders are in there?
We have traders of all ages, experience and from all over the world. We have complete newbies, to the most advanced and most experienced trader. We'll help you regardless of your experience.
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Which countries are they from?
From every corner of the world. We're sure you'll make some connections whatever your culture and whatever your trading experience.
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How can the community help me?
The trading coaches are here to guide you to achieving your full potential as a trader, whilst your community inside the Trading Room are there to help support you and keep you company! Trading can be lonely, but it doesn't have to be! Join our amazing community of over 100,000 traders today!
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What do the community think of
Why not start a free trial and ask them inside the Trading Room Live Chat? Make sure you check out our reviews here:
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Top Questions
How to download and setup Metatrader 4?
Read our Step-by-step guide on how to setup your MetaTrader and how to start using it here
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Trading Glossary
Top Questions
What is forex?
Forex is short for 'foreign exchange' (sometimes abbreviated to just FX) and is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion.
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What is a pip?
Pip is an abbreviation for point in percentage and is the unit of measurement used to express the change in value between two currencies.

Professional forex traders express their gains and losses in the number of pips their position rises or falls.
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What is leverage?
Leverage is defined as an act of using borrowed money to increase earning potential.

To put it simply, leverage is essentially borrowed money provided by a forex broker to get involved in potentially high-profit trades without having to invest vast swathes of your own capital.
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What is a lot?
A lot references the smallest available trade size that you can place when trading currency pairs in the foreign exchange market. There are typically 4 forex lot sizes that you will come across when trading forex - standard, mini, macro and nano.
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What is spread?
Spread is the difference between the bid and the ask price.
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What is a currency pair?
Forex is all about speculating on the fluctuating currencies between two countries. These two currencies are referred to as 'currency pairs' and they're made up of the base currency and the quote currency.
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What is an indicator?
Forex Technical Analysis Indicators are usually used to forecast price changes on the currency market. They are calculations which take the volume and price of a certain financial instrument into account.
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What is MT4 and MT5?
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) are trading platforms most commonly associated with forex trading but can be also used to trade a range of markets including indices, cryptocurrencies, and commodities, via CFDs or spread betting.
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What are major pairs?
The major pairs are the four most heavily traded currency pairs in the forex market. The four major pairs are the EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF.
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What are minor pairs?
Minor currency pairs, also known as cross currency pairs, are pairs that do not include the U.S. dollar, but do include at least one of the world\'s other three major currencies. That is to say that the Japanese yen, British pound or the euro are at least one, if not both of the currencies included in the pair.
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What does 'going short' mean?
Short position is when the trader has sold a currency with the expectation that it will decrease.
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What does 'going long' mean?
Long position is when the trader has bought a currency with the expectation that it will increase.
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What time is the forex market open?
Forex market rarely closes! The forex market is open 24 hours a day and 5 days a week, only closing down during the weekend.
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What is a broker?
Forex brokers are companies that provide traders with access to a platform that allows them to buy and sell foreign currencies.
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What is a bid?
Bid is the price that a trader is willing to buy a currency pair at.
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What is the ask?
Ask is the price that a trader would ask for when selling the currency pair.
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What is slippage?
Slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is executed. Slippage can occur at any time but is most prevalent during periods of higher volatility when market orders are used.
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What is a candlestick?
A candlestick is a type of price chart used in technical analysis that displays the high, low, open, and closing prices of a security for a specific time period.
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What does "bearish" mean?
The term "bearish" means a trader is pessimistic and that the price will go lower from where it currently is. If you are bearish on a market, you believe that the market is going to fall. A "bearish market" is when the price is in a downtrend, marked by lower highs and lower lows.
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What does "bullish" mean?
Bulls are traders who expect that price will go up. They buy to resell in the future at a higher price. Therefore, when quotes are growing, the market and the trend itself are called bullish.
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Top Questions
What level of customer support do we offer?
We're here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any technical questions or just want to know more about what we can do for you, you can contact us via live chat anytime.
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How do I contact the support team?
You can contact us through our 24/7 live chat available through our website. Our customer care team is on hand all day, and all night!
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What languages do the customer support team speak?
We have over 50 members of staff and we can pretty much speak every language under the sun. So, why not chat to us on live chat today!
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How do I cancel my 7 day free trial?
Don't like what you see? No problem! Your trial is risk and commitment free! If you feel we aren't the right fit for you, simply log in to your account, click 'view your profile' and select 'cancel my subscription'. Yup, that simple!
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How do I cancel my membership?
If you would like to cancel your membership, it's easy (for you, depressing for us). All you need to do is visit your profile, click 'cancel subscription' and that's it. And just so you know, we'll miss you! If you'd like to let us know what went wrong and why you're saying goodbye, please email
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How do I change my profile name inside the Trading Room?
Just drop us a message in the live chat or by emailing us at and our team will update your profile name.
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How do I reset my password?
Resetting your password is simple. Just click 'forgot password' from the sign in box. We'll then ask for your email address and send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
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I can't access the Trading Room, what do I do?
If you're having trouble accessing the Trading Room, please contact our 24/7 customer service via the live chat option below.
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How to download and setup Metatrader 4?
Read our Step-by-step guide on how to setup your MetaTrader and how to start using it here
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What is all about?
It's simple really. Here at, we want to help you reach whatever trading goals you have. With almost 50 members of staff all around the world (and most of us traders ourselves), we really really know our stuff when it comes to trading. It's in our blood! On top of that, our experienced trading coaches have over 80 years experience combined.

But what we are really about is the Trading Room, where you can speak to the community, our trading coaches, ask them questions, show them your trades, discuss strategies; you name it! Here's to never having to trade alone again!
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Do I need any prior experience before joining Forex Signals?
Of course not! If you've never placed a trade before, don't worry, we're here to help you! Our courses, our live streams, our mentorship is suitable for new traders and even the most experienced. There is something for everyone with
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Do you provide trading signals?
Yes, we offer member trading signals but please understand, we are much more than just a signal provider. We truly believe that if you want to make it as a trader, you cannot rely on just trade signals from a random person. This just doesn't work in the long run. At we want to teach you the skills to find your own trade setups, develop your own strategy and manage your own risk.
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How long does it take to learn how to trade professionally?
We're all different. It all comes down to how dedicated, how engaged you are with our Trading Room and how much passion you really have for trading. Everyone is different and it depends on how much time and effort you put in! We'll be by your side to help you get your trading right as soon as possible!
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What markets are traded?
Inside the Trading Room we look at all markets. Yes we are experienced in the Forex Market but we look at Options, Stocks, Futures, Bonds, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies and more. We use robust strategies that can be applied to all markets and as long as we are comfortable with the risk to reward ratio, then we will discuss it with you in detail.
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What's covered in the daily live streams?
You're going to love our daily live streams. Never again will you have to guess what to trade. Join us several times throughout the day and we will trade live with you, discuss the markets and answer any questions you may have in the Trading Room live chat. We'll look at technical and fundamental analysis and you can watch the trading coaches trade use their strategies.
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What do you cover in the Trading Academy?
Oh, we cover a lot. We have hundreds of hours of pure gold video content. We always recommend when you join that you spend time inside the Trading Academy. Familiarise yourself with our trading coaches, their strategies and watch their modules. The modules cover everything from trading strategies with entry and exit rules, psychological techniques to help you control your trader emotions and there are also proprietary tools that you can download. Awesome, we know!
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I'm new to all of this. Can I ask the trading coach any question?
Of course! That is what we are here for! We understand that we will have traders of all levels inside the Trading Room and our trading coaches are there to help you figure it out. No question is a stupid one and we encourage you to enagage with the community in the live chat and to reach out to our trading coaches.
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I want to learn forex. How do I get started?
You're in the right place! We pride ourselves on being the best interactive Trading Room on the planet. You are in good hands! We do focus on the forex market inside the Trading Room, but we do discuss all financial markets. Why don't you start your 7 day free trial with us and take a look round. You're going to see what we have to offer and I'm sure you're going to love it!
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What level of customer support do we offer?
We're here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any technical questions or just want to know more about what we can do for you, you can contact us via live chat anytime.
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How do I contact the support team?
You can contact us through our 24/7 live chat available through our website. Our customer care team is on hand all day, and all night!
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What languages do the customer support team speak?
We have over 50 members of staff and we can pretty much speak every language under the sun. So, why not chat to us on live chat today!
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How do I cancel my 7 day free trial?
Don't like what you see? No problem! Your trial is risk and commitment free! If you feel we aren't the right fit for you, simply log in to your account, click 'view your profile' and select 'cancel my subscription'. Yup, that simple!
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How do I cancel my membership?
If you would like to cancel your membership, it's easy (for you, depressing for us). All you need to do is visit your profile, click 'cancel subscription' and that's it. And just so you know, we'll miss you! If you'd like to let us know what went wrong and why you're saying goodbye, please email
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How do I change my profile name inside the Trading Room?
Just drop us a message in the live chat or by emailing us at and our team will update your profile name.
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How do I reset my password?
Resetting your password is simple. Just click 'forgot password' from the sign in box. We'll then ask for your email address and send you an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
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I can't access the Trading Room, what do I do?
If you're having trouble accessing the Trading Room, please contact our 24/7 customer service via the live chat option below.
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What is forex?
Forex is short for 'foreign exchange' (sometimes abbreviated to just FX) and is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion.
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What is a pip?
Pip is an abbreviation for point in percentage and is the unit of measurement used to express the change in value between two currencies.

Professional forex traders express their gains and losses in the number of pips their position rises or falls.
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What is leverage?
Leverage is defined as an act of using borrowed money to increase earning potential.

To put it simply, leverage is essentially borrowed money provided by a forex broker to get involved in potentially high-profit trades without having to invest vast swathes of your own capital.
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What is a lot?
A lot references the smallest available trade size that you can place when trading currency pairs in the foreign exchange market. There are typically 4 forex lot sizes that you will come across when trading forex - standard, mini, macro and nano.
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What is spread?
Spread is the difference between the bid and the ask price.
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What is a currency pair?
Forex is all about speculating on the fluctuating currencies between two countries. These two currencies are referred to as 'currency pairs' and they're made up of the base currency and the quote currency.
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What is an indicator?
Forex Technical Analysis Indicators are usually used to forecast price changes on the currency market. They are calculations which take the volume and price of a certain financial instrument into account.
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What is MT4 and MT5?
MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) are trading platforms most commonly associated with forex trading but can be also used to trade a range of markets including indices, cryptocurrencies, and commodities, via CFDs or spread betting.
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What are major pairs?
The major pairs are the four most heavily traded currency pairs in the forex market. The four major pairs are the EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, USD/CHF.
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What are minor pairs?
Minor currency pairs, also known as cross currency pairs, are pairs that do not include the U.S. dollar, but do include at least one of the world\'s other three major currencies. That is to say that the Japanese yen, British pound or the euro are at least one, if not both of the currencies included in the pair.
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What does 'going short' mean?
Short position is when the trader has sold a currency with the expectation that it will decrease.
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What does 'going long' mean?
Long position is when the trader has bought a currency with the expectation that it will increase.
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What time is the forex market open?
Forex market rarely closes! The forex market is open 24 hours a day and 5 days a week, only closing down during the weekend.
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What is a broker?
Forex brokers are companies that provide traders with access to a platform that allows them to buy and sell foreign currencies.
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What is a bid?
Bid is the price that a trader is willing to buy a currency pair at.
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What is the ask?
Ask is the price that a trader would ask for when selling the currency pair.
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What is slippage?
Slippage refers to the difference between the expected price of a trade and the price at which the trade is executed. Slippage can occur at any time but is most prevalent during periods of higher volatility when market orders are used.
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What is a candlestick?
A candlestick is a type of price chart used in technical analysis that displays the high, low, open, and closing prices of a security for a specific time period.
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What does "bearish" mean?
The term "bearish" means a trader is pessimistic and that the price will go lower from where it currently is. If you are bearish on a market, you believe that the market is going to fall. A "bearish market" is when the price is in a downtrend, marked by lower highs and lower lows.
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What does "bullish" mean?
Bulls are traders who expect that price will go up. They buy to resell in the future at a higher price. Therefore, when quotes are growing, the market and the trend itself are called bullish.
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How many people are in the Trading Room community?
We have over 100,000 people in our community and counting! Want to join them? Start your free trial now and come and meet the amazing community everyone in the trading world is talking about.
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What level of traders are in there?
We have traders of all ages, experience and from all over the world. We have complete newbies, to the most advanced and most experienced trader. We'll help you regardless of your experience.
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Which countries are they from?
From every corner of the world. We're sure you'll make some connections whatever your culture and whatever your trading experience.
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How can the community help me?
The trading coaches are here to guide you to achieving your full potential as a trader, whilst your community inside the Trading Room are there to help support you and keep you company! Trading can be lonely, but it doesn't have to be! Join our amazing community of over 100,000 traders today!
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What do the community think of
Why not start a free trial and ask them inside the Trading Room Live Chat? Make sure you check out our reviews here:
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Do I have to commit after my 7 day trial?
Nope. If you think we are not right for you, then you can simply cancel during your free trial and you will not be charged. Our free trial is a no-obligation, risk-free trial. We want you to have a look round the Trading Room and check we are for you. Thousands of traders have already joined us, so we're sure you're going to be happy here.
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Can I cancel my membership at any time?
Yes. If you feel during your membership that you no longer wish to continue with your membership and membership fees, you can cancel.
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What does it cost?
There is a lot on offer at, for a small membership fee. We offer monthly plans at $97 per month, we have a 6 month plan, that's $267 billed every 6 months and we have a yearly plan. The yearly plan is the best value for money and ensures you get access to all the features; this is $567 per year. This yearly plan, the 'Professional Plan' gives you priority direct access to the trading coaches.
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How can I trust you?
You can. We know the industry and we know what goes on out there, but rest assured you are in good hands with us. We've been around since 2012 and you can learn more about us on our About Us page here. Check out our thousands of reviews on TrustPilot and also on Forex Peace Army. You can also watch our customer testimonial videos on our homepage - hear from real customers about what they really think about us. Visit our YouTube Channel and you'll see we have hundreds of thousands of subscribers. And of course, behind our business is real humans. Chat to us on the live chat, speak to us in the Trading Room Live Chat.
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What's inside the trading room?
There's so much going on, you're going to love it. We offer daily Live streams with our trading coaches that cover all time zones, a Pro Trading Academy where you can watch hours of educational content, exclusive trading tools developed by our experienced trading coaches, and much much more. Every week we release a Weekly Outlook Report in which our trading coaches discuss hot currency pairs and what's going on in the markets. And that's just a few things that you can find inside of the Trading Room. Why not sign up for a free trial now and explore the Trading Room yourself?
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How can I access the trading room?
It's simple. Simply click 'sign in' from the homepage and you will be prompted to log in with your credentials. You will then land inside the Trading Room dashboard. We also have an app which you can download for free. You can download the app for Apple devices here and for Android devices here.
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How many people are in the trading room?
Every day the number of traders inside the room varies. It can be anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand. One thing is for sure though, the trade room chat is never boring!
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How often are the daily live streams?
We stream live every day, up to 6 times a day. We cover all times zones and we look at all the markets out there; Forex, Futures, Options, Commodities, Stocks, Energies, Cryptocurrencies and more.
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What happens in the live chat inside the trading room?
Great question. We have traders of all levels, from all around the world, so we're never stuck for conversation! Chat normally consists of trade ideas, the markets, politics and the impact on the markets and most commonly, the community asking for feedback on their trade ideas. There's nothing else out there like it, you're never going to trade alone again (trust us, we know how lonely trading can be at times!).
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Can I share my trade idea for feedback?
Yes, that's exactly what we want you to do. Give it a go and watch how quickly the community jumps on to discuss and analyse your trades!
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How do I speak to one of the trading coaches?
Chat with our trading coaches 24/7 in the Live Chat inside the Trading Room. Also, you can message the trading coaches via the Direct Messenger. If you are a 'Professional' member (the yearly plan) then you have priority access to the trading coaches on the Direct Messenger.
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We're here to help!

You will find the answers to our most frequently asked questions below.
Didn't find what you were looking for? Get in touch with us. We're all ears!
Live Chat
Help and Support
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Questions about the service, trading coaches, policies and other general things.
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Pricing, cancellations, and other membership-related questions.
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Trading room
Education, live streams and other questions about our content.
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Questions focused on the community, messaging and interactions.
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Setup, options and other questions related to How-to guides.
Trading Glossary
Technical questions about the platform and functionality.
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Focused on specific common issues that you might be experiencing.
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Customer service
Support, live chat, sales and other customer-service-related questions.


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Need some help?

Come and chat with us on live chat.