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MT 4 backtesting reliability

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  • MT 4 backtesting reliability


    proper tool enable MT4 BT with precision over 99%.

    However do you consider results like attached as reliable base for trading?
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  • #2
    Let me formulate it like that - please at least provide a photo where one can read more text than the headline

    I always found MT4 t obe particularly primitive, both in the backtest, in the reports but most importantly in the way you can then further analyze the data. I genereally consider a backtest to be totally useless these days, unless backed up with a proper monte carlo validation of the equity curve. Which MT4 can not do. And getting the proper trade data out of MT4 is another exercise in frustration. But generally you want to have some statistical analysis of a backtest to know how lucky it may have been.

    Long - very long time - that I abandoned that "platform".


    • #3
      I don't understand where these huge positive indicators come from, which do not fit into any frames at all, it's ridiculous. Stop cheating people and give them false hopes, that's why people are disappointed in the market and quit trading.

