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What kind of music do you hear while you trade?

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  • What kind of music do you hear while you trade?

    Do you listen to any music while you trade?

    I have tried with many different kinds, but I think classical music is the most appropriate to remain discipline focus and calm.

  • #2
    As I am a musician, this will differ from most.

    First, if music is on while I am doing computer work, its on.the Stereo system in the Living Room, not on the computer I am working on.

    Before Lunch, I play Chamber Music (Mozart & Bach). Its lively orderly and calm.

    After lunch, I play instrumental Jazz from before 1980. Miles and Bill Evans.


    • #3
      I like listening to music without words


      • #4
        I think that music is not the best accompaniment, because during trading I have to be as focused as possible, I am distracted by extraneous sounds.


        • #5
          Probably shouldn't admit it, but I do a great job when the TV is playing in the background, it's quite quiet, but for some reason, I can't trade in complete silence...


          • #6
            The effectiveness of music depends on how exciting the task at hand is. Applied Ergonomics research has shown that people who performed routine tasks with background music were more effective than others.
            Other contemporary research, shows that it isn't so much music that increases productivity, but whether a person likes it.
            Music with dissonant sounds doesn't affect productivity, and songs in G Major, on the contrary, give the best results.
            For me personally, the presence of ""natural elements"" in music increases the general mood and helps to concentrate.
            Sounds of nature, like white noise, well camouflage human speech, which we are easily distracted by, and also have a positive effect on cognitive functions and concentration. Thanks to natural sounds, the overall satisfaction of subjects during work has increased steadily.
            By the way, in addition to the birds' singing and the sounds of rain, which are most often associated with natural sounds, the murmuring of the stream has a beneficial effect. According to studies, the noise of the mountain stream is also included in the category contributing to increased attention of sounds.
            It doesn't matter if you only listen to nature's sounds or play music that contains these elements: both will have a positive effect.
            Finding sounds of nature is easy to do on demand, for example on YouTube.


            • #7
              I like to listen music while trading. Somehow it helps me stay focused. When I am in fun-and-funky mood, I listen jazz, but most of the time its classical music.

