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Is it time for sanction? Sanction against United States?

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  • Is it time for sanction? Sanction against United States?

    The project North Stream 2 is one of the biggest projects in Europe. The project that is a few steps to complete is stopped currently. Germany and Russia plan to restart the project with put of the pipeline in the last kilometers in the Baltic Sea.
    United States already introduction of sanctions against companies build the pipeline. The sanctions extended to the insurance and banks companies.
    Europe is on the way now. Do they have the courage to introduce sanction against the United States?
    If they do that step we can see a new way of war between the allies that will reflect over the forex trading and mainly EURUSD.
    In a first view the dollar may lose ground but later the investors prefer the dollar as a major security investment. The dollar may drop to 1.1450 and later on may follow recovery to 1.09-1.10. But as overall expects the both unions United States and European Union are going to lose and other countries and currencies may win like Swiss Franc and British Pound.
    Nevertheless all sanctions and events North Stream 2 will be built. It is possible new delay but the pipeline will start function and United States CNG will not replace the Russian pipeline gas.

  • #2
    EU will never impose sanctions to the US. It has to do with politics, economy and also geopolitics. This question is too complicated in order to be explained in a simple manner on this forum.


    • #3
      It should be understood that sanctions are a serious political move, which can be made only if there is full power and capacity to maintain full control. And I think in that sense Europe is losing the U.S. to the fullest extent, because it's just not ready for it to lose its connections and mutual assistance. No, I don't think that's going to happen, because it's completely pointless, especially since Europe has other levers of influence and other things in which it can act more freely and independently. I don't think conflict with the United States is what's needed right now. At the moment each country is dealing with its own priority issues, and I don't think the situation described above will become a reality anytime soon.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ytanne View Post
        EU will never impose sanctions to the US. It has to do with politics, economy and also geopolitics. This question is too complicated in order to be explained in a simple manner on this forum.
        Correct. International politics means the weaker (the EU) just need to shut up when the bully (the US) is hitting you over and over. This is how the world works, sadly.

