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IBC Set Up & International Tax Planning

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  • mackaozy

    For the Republic of Cyprus IBC set up & reporting they are based in Cyprus, they recommended starting a Cyprus company, corporation tax is 12.5%. in the UK. The guys name is Howard Harris who also runs the website forextaxclub - he has contacts in North Cyprus. He specialises in traders tax planning.
    Last edited by mackaozy; 07-21-2015, 11:57 PM.

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  • Big River Man
    Originally posted by mackaozy View Post
    Thank you all for your replies!! I have found a few firms that will be able to help me out.
    Which ones?!?!

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  • mackaozy
    Thank you all for your replies!! I have found a few firms that will be able to help me out.

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  • Isochronous
    Estonian e-residency looks like an OK idea - makes it easy to setup an Estonian company and bank account apparently.

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  • idempotent
    I'm mildly interested in this, but not from a tax haven perspective (I don't want to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life either). I'm more interested for asset protection. In the long term, war, bad government, tyranny and the like might mean it would be valuable to have some funds offshore.

    Proving that you've paid all your taxes might be challenging, and it would surely look suspicious, though.

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  • Nick
    Originally posted by mackaozy View Post

    Does anyone know of any reputable accountants who will help with international tax planning and if necessary IBC set ups for traders?

    I have trawled through the internet, but this is a new area to me so a referral would be great. I'm based in the UK at present, relocation to Cyprus is on the cards.

    I don't Mackaozy,

    My experience is that it's becoming harder and harder to use IBC's as tax havens. As an Australian resident I've found it all too dodgy. I'm worried that down the track I'll get a tap on the shoulder by a guy in dark glasses and be taken away to a dark cell where they'll probe me in an attempt to find the missing tax revenue.

    Physically moving to the tax friendly destination is the only way to do it legitimately I think, and Cyprus probably isn't such a bad place to live

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  • mackaozy
    started a topic IBC Set Up & International Tax Planning

    IBC Set Up & International Tax Planning


    Does anyone know of any reputable accountants who will help with international tax planning and if necessary IBC set ups for traders?

    I have trawled through the internet, but this is a new area to me so a referral would be great. I'm based in the UK at present, relocation to Cyprus is on the cards.
