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  • is the best Forex Website !


    I really have to pen this down.

    ​​​​​​FS ( is very enlightening.

    The transparent culture; show your track records or Go Home!

    Other sites and forums discuss endlessly about strategies, posting charts, teaching junior members to see what seniors see, trying to 'help' them, this takes lots of time, at the end of the day, juniors are unsure if the seniors are even practising what they preach. Simply show the proof or shut up. Here we have many many verified myfxbook accounts. Now what's your reason to not show yours?

    The culture here really scares away these 'teachers'... Everybody is open so this is really not their playground. By being transparent, lots of time has been saved. I really wish I could learn and earn at the same time but the fact that I can see profits from the teacher I am learning from is 2nd best. This is where I can see the site is heading to.

    The site is new but sooner or later, more people will eventually get tired of other sites and would be attracted by the proof of profits.

    I hope to add more points in the future and this thread will serve as a comparison point from other forums.

    Take care.

  • #2
    Yes it is,
    Forexsignals is excellent !!!

