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September 2015 Profit Report

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  • rourkem
    Good job here guys. Now comes the hard part, maintaining it.

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  • Nick
    started a topic September 2015 Profit Report

    September 2015 Profit Report Profit Report
    3/4 Traders Profitable

    Getting the job done

    September was business as usual for our awesome foursome of traders. More winners than losers and no lost sleep, just the way we like it!

    Make sure you check out the soon to be critically acclaimed documentary showing you what it's like to live and trade with FX Viper if you haven't already.

    So, how did we go in September?
    All statistics verified by Myfxbook. Past returns may not be replicated in the future.

    Smart2 + 4.26%
    This hybrid strategy launched in December 2014 and the trader managing this complex algorithm has been delivering consistent, aggressive returns ever since. He makes it look easy using a simple strategy of identifying a trend and entering trades during pullbacks at critical areas of support and resistance. It looks easily, and that's the beauty of it. Only masters at their craft make their mastery appear easy.

    If you're looking for a strategy that targets high pip gains, trades often and isn't spread sensitive, Smart2 is it.

    FX Viper + 1.23%
    Did you watch the documentary featuring a day in the life of FX Viper released earlier in the month? If not, check it out now!
    September was a careful one for FX Viper as he tiptoed around the possibility of a historic US interest rate raise, as a result he traded with 1/3rd his usual lot size for the majority of the month.

    Despite the caution he still managed to pump out yet another profitable month without breaking a sweat generating 499 pips across 63 trades.

    Kilimanjaro -2.44%
    Remember how I said this last month? "Kilimanjaro is the most under rated signal in the cosmos."

    And this? "Keep an eye out for an interview with Phil (the trader) and a special promotion later in the month"

    Well... Phil hit a string of losers just before I launched the promotion, so I decided to hold off. My opinion of his trading hasn't changed, however I'm motivated to get as many people following him as possible, and that won't happen until he shows us how well he navigates out of a drawdown.

    Stay Tuned!

    SteadyCapture +2.05%
    Steady Capture demonstrated moments of brilliance during the month as he navigated an interwoven basket of GPB, NZD, USD and AUD out of a 5% drawdown and back into positive territory. This is the kind of skills we were most attracted to when we lured him away from ZuluTrade earlier in the year.

    He was one of the most popular traders at Zulu with a 4 year unbroken run. My expectation is we'll see similar (hopefully superior!) performance over the next 4 years with us!
    We have 2 solid trading months before the market winds down into the Christmas break, typically this is the best time of the year to trade when volatility and opportunity are at their highest.

    For those of you in the northern hemisphere, farewell the warm weather and grab yourself a nice warm cup of pips in preparation for what will hopefully be a very profitable winter.


    Nick -

    Remember - Forex is a risky business. Only trade with money you can afford to lose. We take no responsibility for any loss (financial or otherwise) as a result of our signals, technical issues related to our site/software or your own greed.