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July Performance Report

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  • July Performance Report

    July Performance Report

    This is the part when I tell you about how fantastic our existing signals are and how we're all making money. Sadly July has been horrible and there is not a lot to get excited about.

    Before you bet the house on any trader keep in mind that trading is closer to gambling than investing so only trade with money you can afford to lose. I've posted on our forum about this topic and you can read it here.

    I personally believe there is a lot of money to be made by following the right trader, however you can't bank on it.
    Pings EA +19.22% (-17% floating draw down)
    A nice recovery is hinging on the open basket of trades with a heavy long bias on USDCHF. If that moves he'll look good coming into August.
    TradeAlerter +4.85% (-6% floating draw down)
    $779 (my account is set to 2x risk)
    Choppy returns in a choppy market for TradeAlerter as he tried to catch large moves that never eventuated.
    Pipsopolis +6.26%
    Pipsopolis is coming back! He had reduced his lot sizing on the back of recent performance. If he had been trading standard risk this month would have recovered most of the losses of May and June, now that he's got his groove back I'm expecting the recovery to accelerate.
    2 Million Dollar Master +2.60%
    Account still being set up
    The history looks good, the master account balance looks great, now we just need it to continue!

    FX Viper +3.06%
    +$394 (trading 2x risk)
    Welcome FX Viper! I personally think he'll be a star in the coming months. Unfortunately I don't have very much trading history that I can share with you so you'll need to give it some time to see for yourself.
    FX Pendulum +0.00%
    +$65 (trading 2x risk)
    I have entered the performance for the month as zero despite Myfxbook showing a small loss. There was a broker error on the account (which I have verified directly with the broker) that resulted in this loss. The trader was also on holidays for 2 weeks prior to our official launch earlier this month that also resulted in reduced activity.

    I'm expecting nice stable growth from this trader. The more I get to know him and understand his unique strategy the more comfortable I become.
    FX Amplified -2.66% (-5% floating draw down)
    $4,325 (my account is set to 4x risk)
    FX Amplified.... what have you done to us!

    July has seen a huge change in performance and strategy as the trader has repeatedly been caught on the wrong side of news releases and holding trades as they drop into large drawdowns.

    FX Amplified is now facing the worst drawdown during his entire 3.5 year trading history. I personally believe we'll see a full recovery in the coming month or two, however this period could not have come at a worse time as many of us had started to increase risk considerably.
    Bring on August!

    See you in the trading room.

    Nick McDonald
    Click here to check out the most popular forex channel on YouTube