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  • Any update from trader? Or is this in hope&pray mode now? Luck shouldn't have much with pro trading


    • Originally posted by Vidster View Post
      Any update from trader? Or is this in hope&pray mode now? Luck shouldn't have much with pro trading
      I think this is it. Either we get BE or SL...


      • Originally posted by oportunis View Post
        I think this is it. Either we get BE or SL...
        I think vigay should give us some insights ...
        Market is already closing ..
        And we r stuck with this basket without any details on why did he let it run that much and his next plan and steps ?

        Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk


        • best thing is to turn off your charts and let Vijay manage the trades. whatever we think or say on the forum won't affect the outcome or the way Vijay trades, either we stop out or get out at be or a profit. Stocks are quite overbought at this stage, if we get a nice sell off in stocks into next week it should strengthen the yen to our favour.


          • I have 5 accounts following Vijay at various risk levels and have been following Smart Scalper for over 2 years. I have made some steady gains over this time. On the trade copier you have some really important controls, risk, max d/d and lot size plus the most important the disable signal box, I suggest you use them as and when and not try and blame the trader who is human and doing his best to make us all some money. If you think you can do better have a go yourself. The Goldstar signal was a good example a few weeks back, Hans took the loss and so did the followers but he stuck in there and has pretty much recovered and I was amazed that some subscribers wre following him at multiples of risk and complaining of big loses. Look at the master account size look at your account size and get real, risk is easily multiplied or reduced if you you do the math. So use the tools on the trade copier and let the experts do their best, good trading to all!


            • Don't worry, Vijay doesn't run from his responsibilities.

              He'll post before the market opens and offer some guidance on where we go from here.

              A retracement down to 160 seems likely to me, but let's see what the master says.
              Click here to check out the most popular forex channel on YouTube


              • I've seen enough! I feel like I must voice my opinions.

                Altho I've just started following Smart2 on 2 accounts as well as Fusion, and then he goes on the biggest DD to date, however I am not worried a single bit. Even if drawdown gets to 25% and we get stopped out. I can live with it.

                We all follow Vijay for one reason and it's that we think he is a more profitable trader than we are. Losing trades and DDs are unavoidable in forex. We need to learn to accept it.

                Whether it's Viper or Smart2, I feel like everytime they go into a drawdown big or small, all these members start coming out and hassle the traders. I honestly dun think it helps a single bit. Especially when the DDs all fall within the predefined acceptable levels. Doing your due diligence traders thoroughly is mandatory if you want your account to continue growing for years to come.



                • Originally posted by Nick View Post
                  Don't worry, Vijay doesn't run from his responsibilities.

                  He'll post before the market opens and offer some guidance on where we go from here.

                  A retracement down to 160 seems likely to me, but let's see what the master says.
                  Thanks nick .. much appreciated. ..
                  And to other guys and fellows who r constantly defending or attacking anybody who posts for no reason. ..
                  Pls .. neither vigay or nick need u as a lawyer and i guess they can speak for themselves if bothered ..
                  I love tge community here and has been part of it since july 2013 ...
                  I have seen alot many of u here dont even know about .. silent specialist. . The guy who kept buying eur/usd against trend for almost a year ( with support and defence of people like u all along the way till mc ☺).. so pls ..
                  I appreciate everbody minding his own business ... and as long as inquiry is polite and makes sense... i guess nobody has to jump in and say stupid things like "unsubscribe " ... unless u r willing to repay him his losses ..
                  Ir manage ur risk ... unless u r sure he is overlevarage. . .. or trade urself ... unless u r paying for him the signal fees ....
                  With all due respect to everybody. . This is a paid service and we r the customers. .. so its ok to inquire about what u r buying / bought from time to time .. its like customers support ...
                  And both nick and vigay know that and provide full and polite support ... much appreciated. ..
                  And i finally respect vigay a a trader and on personal basis even .. and stated that several times here and in other forums also .. yet i still insist this basket was too tight in its trades .. thats why i wrote this earlier when 3rd trade was opened and vigay answered me politely ( i am saying this part to avoid the reply of some people that will say u r saying this after the basket went bad ... just to shhh them )...
                  Spacing between trades might have been bigger and the basket might have still screwed up .. still possible .. i know that ... but . At least i would blame it to market condition then
                  . i have been with vigay since june 2015 ... and if i loose this basket i will be at a balance less than my initial investment ( i have 4 family accounts with vigay )..dont ask me to be happy about it ... i will live with it?? Yes .. but at least dont deprive me from asking why did it happen or whats next ..... ???!!!!!
                  And no sane person can be happy on getting a 2nd big hit after just few days reaching high watermark after 3 months recovery of an ealier big hit ...
                  Finally i appreciate vigays and nicks co-operation and support ...
                  So this post is mainly for the bunch of lawyers around here ☺.. please shhhhhh....

                  Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk


                  • Full support to Vijay to get us out at minimal loss. I hate to use the word 'hope' but lets see if stocks retrace next week to strengthen the yen.


                    • Originally posted by Sherif View Post
                      .. yet i still insist this basket was too tight in its trades .. thats why i wrote this earlier when 3rd trade was opened and vigay answered me politely ( i am saying this part to avoid the reply of some people that will say u r saying this after the basket went bad ... just to shhh them )...
                      Spacing between trades might have been bigger and the basket might have still screwed up .. still possible .. i know that ... but . At least i would blame it to market condition then
                      How did you know IN ADVANCE that the basket was too tight after third trade? Did you know that the price will go to where it is now?


                      • Originally posted by Anton123 View Post
                        How did you know IN ADVANCE that the basket was too tight after third trade? Did you know that the price will go to where it is now?
                        It has more to do with the % risked by time of 3rd trade. Wouldn't normally be so high. Obviously if it was say NJ then it wouldn't be a problem. But GJ is moving hundreds of pips a day. That's what he's trying to say. No one can predict the market, only the position sizing and therefore the risk


                        • I will disable all GBP pairs once this basket is closed until the uncertainty Brexit is behind us.


                          • Brexit has little to do with this...


                            • Originally posted by Anton123 View Post
                              How did you know IN ADVANCE that the basket was too tight after third trade? Did you know that the price will go to where it is now?
                              Read the post and compare its time with the charts and entry times ..
                              The moment i saw the 3rd trade and with 30 pips gap. . I disagreed .. and wrote it here .. if i wasnt in the mamm i would have closed it ...
                              And ... didnt u get to understand what i meant from my post .... pls mind ur OWN business. ..

                              Sent from my SM-G900H using Tapatalk


                              • I think the trades were opened when price was going back, but unfortunatelly it went up again, at least this is what I see on charts. The dynamic upgrade was used in that case, but Vijay will need to implement something to filter more volatile pairs and maybe set some min. distance of 80+ pips for that pairs. If that is possible this would help and prevent opening trades so close.

