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Balboa says Keep Dreaming.

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  • #46
    I think you need to check the month end for Steady Capture it is not negative.


    • #47

      Whilst much of my attention is now focused on the "IN THE RING" thread I still continue to trade my demo account which is what this thread is all about.

      Even though I am now trading a real funds account with a sizeable amount I have no intentions of killing this demo account . There is many months worth of trading history on this demo account and even today I continue to trade this account with discipline.

      So I have traded this account for 7 months now. How has my trading faired against Nick's elite in 2016? The table below shows us.

      2016 RANK TABLE

      1) Gold Star = +30.5% (10 months of trading) MAX DD = 25.53%

      2) Balboa = +17.5% (7 months of trading) MAX DD = 11.35%

      3) SteadyCapture = +16.3% (10 months of trading) MAX DD = 11%

      4) FX Viper = +4.7% (10 months of trading) MAX DD = 13.81%

      Going to be difficult to overtake Gold Star but it's possible. A few consecutive winners with each trade having profits of 3% plus and Gold Star could be dethroned. It's not going to be easy but its very possible.

      On the other hand SteadyCapture is in very good form lately and hence it's also possible that I could lose my second place.

      Bottom line I am just going to keep trading my strategy as per the rules. It will be interesting to see what happens.

      Next update will be at the end of this month.

      Stay tuned.
      Last edited by Balboa; 11-02-2016, 12:32 AM.


      • #48
        2016 End Results

        So it's been 9 months since I started trading this demo account and have ended the year with +17.6% profit. Max DD was 11.35%

        I have probably got the worst win rate off all the well documented or approved strategies on our forum.

        But inspite of that it's good to know that over a sample of 50 plus trades my strategy has a positive expectancy thanks to good Reward:Risk ratio and good money management.

        Confidently looking forward to a profitable 2017.

        My 2017 goal for this demo account and my real live account is to strive for +24% profit with max DD not exceeding 15%

        Happy trading to all.


        • #49
          One Year Anniversary.

          It's been 12 months since I started trading this demo account. I have traded it with great discipline meaning very rarely have I broken my rules.

          So over 12 months we have achieved:

          Account growth of 15.6%

          Maximum DD at 11.35%

