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Satang FX Signal/MAM - minkw

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  • Originally posted by minkw View Post
    I agree I have been on the wrong side of everything recently and for that I apologize, yes I basket and grid into positions as I cannot and I don't think anyone can pick a perfect high low,
    Exactly, and thats why you just have to accept that you're wrong sometimes and close the damn positions, not add more and more.
    Nobody can pick a perfect high/low "allways" would be the right way to put it. Thats why risk:reward ratio is so important.

    Gridding is okay to a certain point, as long as the overall trend is active and goes in the same direction, its completely fine to add to your positions, but there has to be a point (breaching a swing high/low or whatver) were you just admint that you are wrong and close the trades.

    Basically you're saying that you have no idea what you're doing, not so long after selling your strategy as a super safe cash cow. Honest, but strange...


    • Originally posted by Amadorian View Post

      Exactly, and thats why you just have to accept that you're wrong sometimes and close the damn positions, not add more and more.
      Nobody can pick a perfect high/low "allways" would be the right way to put it. Thats why risk:reward ratio is so important.

      Gridding is okay to a certain point, as long as the overall trend is active and goes in the same direction, its completely fine to add to your positions, but there has to be a point (breaching a swing high/low or whatver) were you just admint that you are wrong and close the trades.

      Basically you're saying that you have no idea what you're doing, not so long after selling your strategy as a super safe cash cow. Honest, but strange...
      Actually no he didn't "basically say" he has no idea what he's doing. I have seen Satang trade for a long time now and he has done well and proved he is consistent.
      There are periods of drawdown and also when a strategy struggles, and EVEN periods when the person BEHIND THE TRADING will struggle. This is true for all managers and portfolio gurus. Harping on them, thowing tomatoes at them, pointing out all their weaknesses without tact and grace --- just really not a good way to make people better.
      I was a teacher for 16 years, and NEVER once did any of my colleagues tell me that it was a good idea to manage the classroom by scolding everyone, pointing out all their mistakes, and using name calling as a way to motivate positive growth. We are all growing, we are all dealing with the tough parts of life, and we all CERTAINLY want to be successful at what we do.
      Please consider this when you post here.


      • Oh come on, now preaching in yet another thread, nobody is interested in your personal life...

        pray and hope yes unless some major geo political event happens
        His words, no plan or idea what to do now. Hope and pray won't help.


        • Just asking you to be respectful, courteous, and hoping that you have common decency and standard of behavior the same as anyone here.


          • Dude. check your attitude man.
            you really want to come off like this? It wasn't enough that you got all your posts deleted? what does that say to you?
            you can't restrain your loose lips. think before you speak.

            it's like "well I don't have to act decently because you didn't. stick your head in poo poo."
            are you in Year 3 or what? This is a professional trading forum. As for Zulutrade, those investors speak for themselves in each of their own specific situations. Nothing to do with here. Nothing to do with you. Nothing to do with how you treat other signal providers on this platform. None whatsoever.
            I guess you're referring to the Social Feed on Zulu. I spoke plenty to subscribers over there via email and private message, which are not visible to the public.
            Last edited by OutsideTheBoxHK; 08-05-2019, 07:23 PM.


            • Originally posted by OutsideTheBoxHK View Post
              Just asking you to be respectful, courteous, and hoping that you have common decency and standard of behavior the same as anyone here.
              You are like Trump. Everything is fake news and bashing. Well it is not. Im not disrespectful, i quote what people write and comment on it. I criticize based on facts. Did i ever make anything up? Nope.
              You feel offended? Well, you have every right to be, but that's it.


              • Originally posted by Amadorian View Post

                I criticize based on facts. Did i ever make anything up? Nope.
                just have to accept that you're wrong sometimes and close the damn positions, not add more and more.
                The fact is that it is minkw 's strategy. Not yours. Demanding that strategy providers do it your way, and retroactively too, is a high form of back seat driving. You want to drive? Open a strategy, make your account public, and start your own thread. Then we can over analyse everything you do. (by the way, I certainly wouldn't do this, because I like to progress in my life and improve and become stronger, and I believe there are better methods than the "monotone" one you are stuck on)

                Basically you're saying that you have no idea what you're doing
                Trading is never 100% certainty. Variations of probability, which it seems you are loathe to accept or admit. You want certainty? I get it. Go get a 9 to 5 job then. Fill an office job -- they'd be happy to take your life force from you.
                I depart with the inspiration that compelled me forward...

                Last edited by OutsideTheBoxHK; 08-07-2019, 03:13 AM.


                • Originally posted by Amadorian View Post
                  Here we can now see the evolution of a hope and pray grid system:

                  30%dd for a monthly profit of 1,5%.

                  And the forward testing account, on which the strategy for the master account is/was tested, already breached the 40% dd limit, currently being at 60%dd.

                  I warned about the risk quite some time ago...


                  • Originally posted by OutsideTheBoxHK View Post
                    The fact is that it is minkw 's strategy. Not yours. Demanding that strategy providers do it your way, and retroactively too, is a high form of back seat driving.
                    Retroactively? Look in this thread when i warned the first time that this won't work out.
                    I'm not demanding anything, but it is quite obvious that you can't allways be right when it comes to trading, so sooner or later you'll have to close a trade in a loss or you'll get in trouble.

                    Originally posted by OutsideTheBoxHK View Post
                    Trading is never 100% certainty. Variations of probability, which it seems you are loathe to accept or admit. You want certainty? I get it. Go get a 9 to 5 job then. Fill an office job -- they'd be happy to take your life force from you.
                    I depart with the inspiration that compelled me forward...
                    Do you even read what i write? That's exactly what i'm saying. There is no 100% certainty, thats why you have to accept a loss from time to time and not keeping it going forever and ever and add more loosing trades....

                    Its the same with your strategy, the DD is not the problem, losses are fine and part of it. You calling your strategies "low risk", breaking all your rules, and then crashing them completely, that is the problem.


                    • Even though this account is toast, you've been able to pull out profits along the way. Rinse and repeat? or will you enable the equity protections again.


                      • It's sad to see the accounts sitting at drawdown levels near the total abs gain. Negative swap is adding up. Is there any insight on the AUD economy that seems to favor your bullish analysis? What is your breakeven price including the negative swap as of today? Regarding the master account, did some investors pull out funds?


                        • AUDCAD range bound. I don't think AUD will raise for quite some time. Most likely revisit the demand at ATL.


                          • website is down.
                            Equity at 6%
                            No updates.

