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Having lots of disconnected / reconnected messages

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  • Having lots of disconnected / reconnected messages

    I am getting frequent but irregular disconnects from one of my VPSs with my VIP accounts, and I am desperate to figure out whi.

    I have four VIP accounts (different brokers and retail and superannuation accounts) and three VPSs (ForexVPS, Beeks and W2Cloud). Whenever the VIP accounts are running on the W2Cloud VPS, I get disconnect messages.

    I have pretty much eliminated the possibility it is CPU or RAM exhaustion: the following are plots of the RAM and CPU from the W2Cloud instance:
    w2cloud-memory.png w2cloud-cpu.png

    By comparison the ForexVPS instance runs a lot higher:
    forexvps-memory.png forexvps-cpu.png

    I think I have eliminated traditional network connectivity issues such as flapping routes: I used curl in a loop to access the HTTP service and ensure it was available. Even during an "outage" on the SimpleTrader service, the curl session works.

    The same information makes me pretty certain it's not the SimpleTrader servers. Curl still works. This is further supported by the fact that during an "outage" the trade copying EAs don't appear to be attempting to connections to the servers. There is no SYN, SYN/ACK/ACK handshake. In fact there is no SYN.

    I have a theory, albeit weak: There is some resource issue at the virtualisation layer. Maybe the physical machine is out of sockets or RAM or CPU or disk. It doesn't show up in the VPS monitoring itself because the VPS itself knows no better. The physical host needs to write to disk or something.

    I don't really want a "Just use ForexVPS" answer. I like diversity, and the W2Cloud on paper and in practice, other than this disconnect issue, has better bang for buck.

  • #2
    Couldn't be happier to read your thread with such amount of tech knowledge
    I can only help by saying that I am using w2 and I don't suffer from d/c except during weekends once in a while
    I would be glad to test or do anything you want on my vps to help you troubleshoot the issue

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


    • #3
      Originally posted by idempotent View Post
      I am getting frequent but irregular disconnects from one of my VPSs with my VIP accounts, and I am desperate to figure out whi.

      I have four VIP accounts (different brokers and retail and superannuation accounts) and three VPSs (ForexVPS, Beeks and W2Cloud). Whenever the VIP accounts are running on the W2Cloud VPS, I get disconnect messages.

      I have pretty much eliminated the possibility it is CPU or RAM exhaustion: the following are plots of the RAM and CPU from the W2Cloud instance:

      By comparison the ForexVPS instance runs a lot higher:

      I think I have eliminated traditional network connectivity issues such as flapping routes: I used curl in a loop to access the HTTP service and ensure it was available. Even during an "outage" on the SimpleTrader service, the curl session works.

      The same information makes me pretty certain it's not the SimpleTrader servers. Curl still works. This is further supported by the fact that during an "outage" the trade copying EAs don't appear to be attempting to connections to the servers. There is no SYN, SYN/ACK/ACK handshake. In fact there is no SYN.

      I have a theory, albeit weak: There is some resource issue at the virtualisation layer. Maybe the physical machine is out of sockets or RAM or CPU or disk. It doesn't show up in the VPS monitoring itself because the VPS itself knows no better. The physical host needs to write to disk or something.

      I don't really want a "Just use ForexVPS" answer. I like diversity, and the W2Cloud on paper and in practice, other than this disconnect issue, has better bang for buck.
      To be honest it's probably due to the fact that we understand how important constant connectivity is, so our monitoring and maintenance goes over and above to ensure that we don't go offline, whereas W2Cloud is just a standard VPS provider, not specifically for trading.

      It's just a theory, but I know how much work we put into staying online 100% of the time, so it's actually nice to see this comparison with another provider that most likely doesn't prioritise it.
      Click here to check out the most popular forex channel on YouTube


      • #4
        Originally posted by idempotent View Post
        I don't really want a "Just use ForexVPS" answer. I like diversity, and the W2Cloud on paper and in practice, other than this disconnect issue, has better bang for buck.
        yet, forexvps seems better - disconnecting issue is pretty big so i dont know how you can write that w2cloud is better. also virtualised ram/cpu works totally different on system layer so even if you see in task manager that your cpu is being used less on w2c it doesn't really mean that it's better.


        • #5
          I tried W2 for a while. When I first started with them the VPS 'felt' fast and snappy so I thought this is going to be great; A very responsive VPS at a great price. As time went by I noticed that some of my MT4's would freeze for a while. So I upgraded to more CPU & RAM. I ended up with way more than what I should need for the number of MT4s I used. But I still would get an occasional freeze.

          W2 did a lot of checking and kept telling me that everything was ok. They even totally switched me to a different VPS and I still had the problems. They said it must be my RDP connection. So I had a friend in a different country login a few times when I was having the problem. He saw the same freezing so my RDP could not be blamed. I finally decided that this could become a very costly problem if it freezes when trades should be closed, especially in a fast moving market. So I finally went back to Beeks and again had a rock solid VPS.

          I haven't read of this problem with W2 on any Forums so perhaps my situation was unique.

          Last edited by nwboater; 03-07-2016, 04:09 AM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nick View Post
            To be honest it's probably due to the fact that we understand how important constant connectivity is, so our monitoring and maintenance goes over and above to ensure that we don't go offline, whereas W2Cloud is just a standard VPS provider, not specifically for trading.

            It's just a theory, but I know how much work we put into staying online 100% of the time, so it's actually nice to see this comparison with another provider that most likely doesn't prioritise it.
            Hi Nick,

            I have faced 2 outages on ForexVPS ( Basic Plan ) in last 14 days itself. On both occasions I had no VPS for hours and I had to follow-up with the team to get the problem fixed ( just to emphasis that the problem was not automatically detected and fixed ). You know very well what an outage could mean when you are following signals.

            If you are interested I can pm you the details.



            • #7
              Originally posted by zorrotrader View Post
              Hi Nick,

              I have faced 2 outages on ForexVPS ( Basic Plan ) in last 14 days itself. On both occasions I had no VPS for hours and I had to follow-up with the team to get the problem fixed ( just to emphasis that the problem was not automatically detected and fixed ). You know very well what an outage could mean when you are following signals.

              If you are interested I can pm you the details.

              yes, please PM me the details.
              Click here to check out the most popular forex channel on YouTube


              • #8
                Hi Guys,

                Steve here from W2.

                First up, idempotent has contacted us. We are awaiting access to his VPS so we can take a look.

                Some VPS providers have a back door so they can login to the VPS as an Administrator at anytime, we do not. We can only login with the user's permission and using password that they provide.

                A VPS is a computer, just a virtual one. It has Windows installed like every other computer, each VPS has it's own software under the control of the VPS user. If you where a computer shop and sold 1200 computers to a 1200 people you would expect a small percentage to have some issue over the years, even if you sold the best computer ever made. Same is true with a VPS.

                Sometimes things do go wrong due to a problem with Windows, a problem with the software running, and even things like Malware and Spyware etc.

                We always recommend users only install the very minimum on their VPS, just MT4 and the EA. Think of the VPS like a racing car that is stripped out to the bare minimum ... you wouldn't install a massive stereo into a racing car ! The VPS is a 'one trick pony' and should be used just for that one trick and nothing else.

                We have often found software like 'super tune up PRO" and "Windows Fix everything" that has caused these kind of issues. Our servers are Windows 2008 R2 setup specifically for low latency and any kind of tune up software will never help.

                Now, I am not for a minute suggesting that is the issue here, I simply don't know yet as we haven't looked at the VPS in question.

                This is a really weird issue and the only report of dropouts we have had recently. These issues are very rare, but we hope we can get to the bottom of it this weekend for idempotent.

                Steve W2 Cloud


                • #9

                  Re our network uptime in New York where idempotent hosts. We have had 1 outage in 4 years (when we started there) on our NY network, and that was a local outage in our rack caused by human error (someone tripped over into the rack ..grrrrr) it lasted 13 minutes.

                  Our VPS's are setup specifically for Forex trading. It would be far easier to host non Forex stuff but we do it because we are geeks and traders ourselves. We host hedge funds, we host signal providers, some with hundreds of VPSs and they monitor the network like hawkes.

                  We monitor the network and each server continuously from several networks outside of our own, even if we drop some packets or get a latency increase of just a few ms we get an alarm.

                  I've attached the hardware / network uptime for idempotent's server, monitored outside of our network.

                  Anyway I hope we can get to the bottom of it for you idempotent

                  Steve W2 Cloud.


                  • #10
                    Steve has been very helpful over the weekend in looking into the problem. Unrelated, they have migrated me to a new physical server, and Steve and I have brainstormed a few other ideas. So far this week there have been no disconnects, but it's too early to tell.

                    Some of the ideas mentioned:
                    * I don't run MT4 as Administrator (it's a religious thing), and I run it in portable mode ("terminal.exe /portable") installed under my Documents directory. It's possible this could be a trigger
                    * I run a variety of build versions of MT4, and there was reportedly a problem with builds 830-840, affecting simpletrader as well as other EAs. The current instance that is causing trouble was build 745. It's now build 940.


                    • #11
                      Time for an update. I've had two disconnections on my W2Cloud instance, both pretty short, and at least one fo them was right near market close for the week. Not sure what to make of the change in pattern.

                      And just now I am having a disconnection with an MT4 instance on my ForexVPS server. That's new. Not sure what to make of that either.

                      But my connections are being a lot more stable recently.


                      • #12
                        since 15:11 CET time, w2cloud lost their DNS to connect to IP works, but also a custom hosts entry is useless. I went flat, was in positive equity and leaving w2cloud for some more reliable VPS..


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fivepips View Post
                          since 15:11 CET time, w2cloud lost their DNS to connect to IP works, but also a custom hosts entry is useless. I went flat, was in positive equity and leaving w2cloud for some more reliable VPS..
                          Yes something drastic happened. I couldn't connect to my VPS, nor resolve DNS for the website. Outage seemed to last 1-2 hours I think. I am pretty sure it was more than DNS because I have my own DNS for my own VPS (e.g. -> X.X.X.X) so I think they had some sort of wide problem.

                          It could be anything from an upstream provider of theirs, or a configuration error, or a DDoS attack. I have put a ticket in for more info. Steve was responsive here when I started this thread; we'll see how they respond now.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by idempotent View Post
                            Steve was responsive here when I started this thread; we'll see how they respond now.
                            Steve responded on Skype:

                            Yes we did have a problem with part of the network last night. We had to replace a component of the power system after it blew which took out the power redundancy to 2 switch boxes. That network segment was off for about 1 hour while we sourced the new hardware and physically replaced it.

                            I appologise for the issue, it was a one off event and the uptime for the network is still well above 99.99% for the year. We will have redundant switches connected to different power sources in the future to prevent this rare event from repeating. Regards. Steve

