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Over 70% in 6 months,,, possible ? Yes. Take a look :)

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  • Nuathris
    Excellent performance, you did everything right, and as practice has shown - if you had a difficult start, it means that there will certainly be a great continuation, which will allow you to achieve your goals!

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  • Deliniel
    The most important thing is that you weren't disappointed yourself and continued to work on yourself.
    because I very often meet stories, when traders after the first failure decide that they will not trade anymore, and you have not refused, it is a worthy act.

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  • HedgeBitcoin
    Now that your equity is back to about breakeven, are you going to close all the positions, re-analyze your trading/strategy and keep going.

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  • Ytanne
    I think that HS2013 did a great job and I really appreciate that he has shared his trading on this forum. Every professional trader knows how hard it is to perfect strategy, which involves several losses. But loss means that trader is on a right learning path which will lead him to success next time

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  • OutsideTheBoxHK
    Originally posted by HBLoooK View Post
    Sorry, but this is how really looks your account my friend, DD is more than 80% and you are in loss about $8000

    why you don't show this, instead you show a fake result (you have changed the report settings on Myfxbook to show results from a selected period)
    He has already commented on this before.
    Please restrain comments that are hurtful and demeaning and accusatory of one's character. Especially on a public forum when you probably haven't taken time to assess this trader or his thoughts about his goals, his trading, and the pressures he must manage.

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  • HBLoooK
    Sorry, but this is how really looks your account my friend, DD is more than 80% and you are in loss about $8000

    why you don't show this, instead you show a fake result (you have changed the report settings on Myfxbook to show results from a selected period)
    You do not have permission to view this gallery.
    This gallery has 1 photos.

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  • hs2013
    Exciting year ahead and I resumed trading this week. One day earlier than I planned since I saw this setup on WTI that I could not resist. Anyway. Back to business as usual. My company is now setup and registrated here in Iceland. We have come to an agreement with a offshore fund, with an icelanding manager, and they have started by allocating 100k in EUR to our trading. I am confident that they will be happy with this move in the future as this will diversify their portfolio. This is a big step for me and my company. And it is good to have the structure around this work and the support around it, as we are now a team of 3.
    You all know the history of the master account. In March last year, it was a Do or Die situation. I had to decide weather to just quit this "forex nonsense" (I guess you have had this conversation with sooo many people) as the account went from 55k to little over 10k. I wanted to save my account and from 1.April 2018, only relied on my trading. Now the account is at a respectible level, little over 30k. Please not that the risk on each trade will be 0.5% instead of 1% that I used in 2018. I have also attached a small slave account, 7300 USD, to the master account and the slave is copying trades at 0.25% pr trade. This is to build a new history on a new account.

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  • hs2013
    Originally posted by nfx
    85% DD. told you and looks like you took a big hit. You must control your losses.

    People should post into forums highlighting their success at how low they can keep their DD. PnL is secondary by product of good risk reward and win loss ratios. But most people dont want to see that and so they end up in the 90% statistic gtoup.

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk
    **The DD is from my copy-ing signals - as I have said before. I started on myself 1.april 2018 and highest DD in that period around 28%.

    Before that my account got crumpled as you can clearly see.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/QUOTE]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • hs2013
    The DD is from my copy-ing signals - as I have said before. I started on myself 1.april 2018 and highest DD in that period around 28%.

    Before that my account got crumpled as you can clearly see.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • nfx
    85% DD. told you and looks like you took a big hit. You must control your losses.

    People should post into forums highlighting their success at how low they can keep their DD. PnL is secondary by product of good risk reward and win loss ratios. But most people dont want to see that and so they end up in the 90% statistic gtoup.

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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  • hs2013
    Finishing Desember with 17.29% gain. So total for this year +119.82% and DD 28.81%.
    Just got news regarding the fund I mentioned few days ago. They have allocated 100.000.- EUR to start with. So this new trading year is going to be very exciting and I am also ready with subscription if you are interested.
    2019 will be the year when I start my own trading firm along with my old friend and partner (also a doctor in dentristry and a long time trader with forex) and also a banker that has good contacts and is important for client relationships.
    I wish you all a happy new year.
    All the best,

    FX Blue is a leading provider of apps and services for forex traders. FX Blue offers analysis of trading results, apps such as trade copiers and trade simulators, plus charts and alogrithmic news feeds.

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  • hs2013

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  • nfx
    Originally posted by hs2013
    No, I don�t expect the DD to go higher than 35%.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Dont expect? Meaning your not sure and there is potential for it to go higher? Can you explain how this is at 35% and what controls you have to keep it no higher than 35%?

    Dont mean to rubbish your strategy. But DD in myfxbook comes from either consecutive realised losses that total 35% or a unrealised floating loss at one point. Both suggest potential danger. It may not be now but with a high DD there is a reasonable probability you could end up like one of your past subscribers.

    All the best.

    Sent from my SM-N920I using Tapatalk

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  • hs2013
    I really need to change the name on this discussion to: Over 100% in 9 months.
    I knew that I had the right system and the right mindset to succeed. I just needed to be pushed off the cliff .. and that just happened by the end of 2017 and starting months in 2018. So sometimes it is good to get all the way down to rise up again.
    I just sent my first trades to the fund manager that was interested in my progress and I guess he should be up at least 5% this week.

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  • hs2013

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