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The never ending debate that nobody cares about

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  • Big River Man
    Originally posted by Xinvestor View Post
    Yeah, ban me. That will solve the issue of investors losing money for sure. I am the biggest problem you have

    I see the bad trading is taking a toll on some peoples mental state. It must be really bad if you cant handle reading my posts without them bringing you down. Now you are running to your daddy Nick to punish the bad guy. What you just asked Nick to do proves my point. You guys realize deep down that you will be making peanuts if you stay with SC, you are just not ready to admit it to yourself yet. Support will not help you get out of this mess nor will whining about a post you dont like. You should grow a pair.

    And if my posts are bringing you down, please point out one thing I wrote that wasnt true and I will stop posting then and there. I have been called names, I apparently have zero knowledge so it shouldnt be too hard for you to find one thing where I was wrong. If you can not find it, then its proof of you simply not wanting to hear the truth. You can all join in and help BigRiverMan out. Thats the easiest and fastest way to get rid of me and then you can have a "clean" forum where no criticism is allowed and you guys can go back to your fairytale of SC being a world class system.
    I unfortunately am not able to grow a pair over the internet as I have no power and my hands are tied.

    I've also said you have made points. We are all aware that we haven't made money. it's not rocket science. A few of us have portfolios mate and are still making money while 1 trader loses another can win. You obviously have knowledge, again i have made complimentary posts in the past, but guys here are asking you specific questions and you're not answering, in effect dodging questions so maybe you should grow a pair and answer for people.

    In all honesty I just want you to shut the **** up because you are no longer helping anyone here and you haven't for some time now, and as I said you are most likely COSTING US MONEY. I think your intentions were initially half to help people and half because you're obviously a previous member that got banned and want to fling shit at Nick. This is not your thread, no one gives a toot anymore. It's noise noise noise. Please stop it. Grow some and stop.

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  • Lithium
    Originally posted by Xinvestor View Post

    Mate, you made 0.5% since the loss in over 2 weeks. I wouldnt be laughing if I were you. Crying is more appropriate with these results. But you are delusional so it makes sense. Have fun recovering your loss for the next 2+ years. I will be up 100%+ during that time
    Here you go Mr X, this is bullshit and you live in a dream world. Verified Myfxbook with 5 years record please. Please don't ignore anymore. Otherwise just shut the Fxxk up!

    SC is a good trader, but I think he got risk management issue. Losing 20% in 2 months said so.
    Last edited by Lithium; 04-13-2018, 06:10 AM.

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  • fiveninefish
    Originally posted by Xinvestor View Post

    You can believe me or not, I dont really care. Apparently my credibility is not zero if everyone is so quick to react on my posts haha.

    And I already pointed out that I am an investor and I will not promote the manager I am investing with. The account is on myfxbook, fully verified and can be easily found. Now go look...

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  • Xinvestor
    Yeah, ban me. That will solve the issue of investors losing money for sure. I am the biggest problem you have

    I see the bad trading is taking a toll on some peoples mental state. It must be really bad if you cant handle reading my posts without them bringing you down. Now you are running to your daddy Nick to punish the bad guy. What you just asked Nick to do proves my point. You guys realize deep down that you will be making peanuts if you stay with SC, you are just not ready to admit it to yourself yet. Support will not help you get out of this mess nor will whining about a post you dont like. You should grow a pair.

    And if my posts are bringing you down, please point out one thing I wrote that wasnt true and I will stop posting then and there. I have been called names, I apparently have zero knowledge so it shouldnt be too hard for you to find one thing where I was wrong. If you can not find it, then its proof of you simply not wanting to hear the truth. You can all join in and help BigRiverMan out. Thats the easiest and fastest way to get rid of me and then you can have a "clean" forum where no criticism is allowed and you guys can go back to your fairytale of SC being a world class system.
    Last edited by Xinvestor; 04-12-2018, 11:43 PM.

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  • Big River Man
    Originally posted by Nick View Post

    Balboa, it's not a coincidence you've been a member since 2014 and are yet to see a strategy meet these requirements.

    Because it doesn't exist.

    You're chasing an impossible dream.

    Meanwhile you hate on SteadyCapture because he's not a curvy 5'10" blonde that cooks all your meals, cleans up after you, never complains and loves watching 6hrs of sport on a weekend.

    That only happens in the movies.
    Hi Nick can you please ban Xinvestor.

    Several of us have asked nicely for him to stop or even go to a new thread but he just doesn't. And I am now afraid that this is impairing ALL OF US and by that I mean the psychology of the trader and thus our funds. I am sure you will get support from pretty much every one that follows Jay.

    It's just gotten beyond a joke. I'm a fan of fair speech and all but Xinvestor is purely being selfish now I just want him to stop, it's becoming a sick joke. I'm tired of negative attidtudes and bringing us all down. We need more support on this particular thread.

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  • Xinvestor
    Originally posted by MrMcmahon

    When was the last time u took your meds kiddo ?
    First you say - you made 40% per year and now saying you are just an investor and wont promote the manager

    Maybe decide first whether you are the trader or the investor
    If you went back a few pages you could see that I said I am an investor over a month ago. I never once said I am the trader. You are just too lazy to bother reading my posts and rather make fool of yourself.

    Besides, what is the difference if I am trading or investing with a manager? I am making money either way. Finding and correctly assesing a system requires knowledge which you apparently lack. Investing with SC shows your stupidity and I think you are the one who forgot to take your meds. But I guess there is no pill that can make one less stupid so you are fu****.

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  • primi
    I won't look. Your investments are your concern and mine are mine. We have our reasons for investing the way we do. You're delusional if you think you need any credibility to have replies to your posts though. You had your say and since about a month ago you're just a broken record with nothing of value to add. You're annoying. That's why we're replying to you. I know we shouldn't because it entertains you even more and it's the only reason you're here.

    I believe your posts from now on should be moved to a new thread called "Xinvestor says" for the next 18 months at least according to your "prediction" and anybody that values your input can take a look in there.

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  • Xinvestor
    Originally posted by primi View Post

    Which numbers are you talking about? You love talking about others yet avoid talking about yourself. Forget Steady capture. It's not about him anymore. Now it's about you. So far you did nothing you were asked to do and so your credibility remains at zero. No amount of bashing others will change that.
    You can believe me or not, I dont really care. Apparently my credibility is not zero if everyone is so quick to react on my posts haha.

    And I already pointed out that I am an investor and I will not promote the manager I am investing with. The account is on myfxbook, fully verified and can be easily found. Now go look...

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  • primi
    Originally posted by Xinvestor View Post

    Mate, you are really trying hard to sound smart but its not really working out for you. What am I supposed to say when someone says I have zero knowledge? Its best to let numbers speak for themselves.
    Which numbers are you talking about? You love talking about others yet avoid talking about yourself. Forget Steady capture. It's not about him anymore. Now it's about you. So far you did nothing you were asked to do and so your credibility remains at zero. No amount of bashing others will change that.

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  • MrMcmahon
    Originally posted by Xinvestor View Post

    Yeah, making 40-50% per year on a low DD is zero knowledge. SC where you are invested hasnt made that in 3 years with far larger risk. I get that you are mad because you keep losing money but a little objectivity wouldnt hurt my friend.

    Btw, I see recovery is going great. You guys have made a full 0.5% in 3 weeks. At this rate I am confident you will recover the losses by the end of the year
    Yes 40 % per year on low dd but cannt show the proof correct ????
    Btw do you know i have 532 bitcoins which i bought when they were at 2$

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  • Xinvestor
    Originally posted by primi View Post
    As usual you're only replying to comments that require absolutely no effort and intelligence from your part and keep ignoring everything else.
    Mate, you are really trying hard to sound smart but its not really working out for you. What am I supposed to say when someone says I have zero knowledge? Its best to let numbers speak for themselves.

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  • primi
    As usual you're only replying to comments that require absolutely no effort and intelligence from your part and keep ignoring everything else.

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  • Xinvestor
    Originally posted by primi View Post
    It's manual. He probably ment it's some kind of a ranking algorithm that's evaluating different strategies for that site. There usually is.

    Correct. I didnt mean SC trading, I meant the algo thats ranking systems at Psyquation.

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  • Xinvestor
    Originally posted by MrMcmahon View Post

    the guy has zero knowledge about market concepts , he is just bluffing .
    Yeah, making 40-50% per year on a low DD is zero knowledge. SC where you are invested hasnt made that in 3 years with far larger risk. I get that you are mad because you keep losing money but a little objectivity wouldnt hurt my friend.

    Btw, I see recovery is going great. You guys have made a full 0.5% in 3 weeks. At this rate I am confident you will recover the losses by the end of the year
    Last edited by Xinvestor; 04-12-2018, 02:50 PM.

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  • MrMcmahon
    Originally posted by finanzaonline View Post

    Super smart guy, for the n-times. Show us a better and longer stats on myfxbook or all your words are bluff
    the guy has zero knowledge about market concepts , he is just bluffing .

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